Support Us

Reckoning Press accepts (US) tax-free donations as a 501c3 nonprofit. Our goal is to promote and encourage creative thought and expression on matters of environmental justice. Donations help us to pay authors, artists, editors and staff for their work—helping them, with any luck, to do more of it.

In 2023, thanks to a very successful fundraiser, we raised our pay rates to 10 cents a word for prose and $50 per page for poetry! We are incredibly grateful to everyone who participated and has continued as a member of this community since.

You can join us! There are lots of ways to do that:

You can contribute through our Patreon, which offers a bunch of different rewards and also gets you on our email subscription (all Reckoning’s content a day before it gets announced online), everything we put out in print, and an invite to participate in our staff/contributor Discord community.

You can give a one-time donation in any amount through our PayPal Giving Fund:


You can also contribute to our efforts by buying a copy of Reckoning. Ebooks are available at Amazon and Weightless Books, or buy a print edition right here:

Or, if you want to help but can’t swing any of the above, why not submit?

Thank you!